January is the “Month of Discipline” to make 2015 the BEST YET: 7-Figure Habits!
Do you want 2015 to look better than 2014? Do you want more of what was great in 2014 to find its way into 2015? If your answer was yes, then we need to change personally to see a change in our life. It’s easy to fall back into old ways that don’t serve us—that’s what’s comfortable; unfortunately comfortable doesn’t pay. In fact, choosing to linger in what’s comfortable can cost us what we truly want in life. Also realize that it’s all about PROGRESS not perfection. Procrastination is one of the biggest success killers of all time. Don’t let that be you…you have to start to START!
Watch the video as I share some simple disciplines that have served me well over the years in Network marketing and created my 7-FIGURE HABITS.
Decide what you want
Find someone who has it
Find out what they did
Do exactly that
Continue until…
List of “The Top 6 Things”
You will enjoy the compound effect over time!
2015 will not be a year for playing small. It’s time to BE BOLD and kick up some dust! Oh yeah baby! Victory and success awaits as you enter 2015 and begin building the blueprint for your MASTERPIECE OF A LIFE!
If you found some benefit in this information, leave a comment and even a virtual “thumbs up” by giving this post a “Like.” And please feel free to share this post on your favorite social media sites.
All my best,
15 Responses to January is the “Month of Discipline” to make 2015 the BEST YET: 7-Figure Habits! So Far...
Thank yoU for your leadership and direction!
Lynn there are no words to thank you enough. Your light is an inspiration to us all.
AwesoMe advice!!! Thank you so much!
I continue to hear you say “keep it simple” as you always say. This is the best way for me to start my new year 2015. Thank you for your concentrated focused simplicity. January: “The Month of Discipline.”
Love it
I love the simplicity with which you share! Cannot wait for all that 2015 holds for each of us as we decide This Is The Year to take things to a whole new level!
Thank You for your thoughts, always enjoy listening to you
Be Consistent and GAME ON! Thank you Lynn! 2015 just “DO IT”!
Lynn, you are 100% correct!!!! Thank you for making us all feel at ease…. Oh, YOU should see my desk!! LOL I am also very focused and determined!!!!! xoxo
Great share! Consistency is key!! We would love to see what makes your top 6 list!
Lynn, you are such an inspirational speaker! I love listening to you.
Yes!! No quitting. No giving up..no matter what the universe throws at you ! Going for strong and powerful in 2015!!
Am trying my best to follow your lead!!
NO #5 CONTINUE UNTIL !! Don’t ever give up hope. When you’ve done all to stand, STAND..
Love the discipline !! Thank you!