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🌸Your mind is the garden, your thoughts are the seeds, the harvest can either be flowers or weeds…
It’s so true. Once I understood this, I’ve been very cautious and protective of what I allow in my mind.
🌸Is it positive?
🌸Is it upbuilding?
🌸Will it move me forward?
🌸Will it bring me closer to my goal?
🌸Will or increase my energy or decrease it?
🌸Does it lead me to love more?
You get the idea. If you’ve ever had a garden, then you know how quickly weeds can grow. The same is true for negative thoughts—they tend to multiple and take over and often times attract other people with negative thoughts 😫. They can take over if we don’t “weed our garden” every day.
🌸I’m going for the flower harvest of positivity 🙌🏼, how about you? 😀
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Posted in Millionaire Mindset by Lynn Hagedorn.

BE the energy!⚡️Yasss! I love that! You will not attract everything awesome, exciting, positive, abundant, and epic in your life until you are becoming all of those things first ??. It all starts with a decision and then managing and acting on that decision every day ?. No better time to start than, NOW! ✅ Mission EPIC LIFE begins now! Who is ready to runnnnn?! ??♀️??????⚡️⚡️
#lynnsartjournal ?
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Posted in Millionaire Mindset by Lynn Hagedorn.

After two days in this stunning London hotel where we met so many beautiful men and women excited to partner for an exciting future, how could I not be inspired to handletter? this piece?! So many stories of people ready and committed to create a masterpiece of a life here in London and the surrounding area…stay-at-home mums, single mums, attorneys, corporate executives, London cabbie, trader, personal trainers, dentist, and so many more ✨✨✨ The best is yet to come! ??
#adventuresofMichaelandLynn #handlettering #londonentrepreneurs — at The Landmark London.
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Posted in Millionaire Mindset by Lynn Hagedorn.

Yes , ??BE?? …yep, you have to work on how you’re “BEING” before you will be successful with the DO and the HAVE. I’ll be honest, this hasn’t always been easy for me because of my tendency to go shy or timid (dang it!). However, I knew I was capable of so much more in my life and worked every day on my courage to step out and BE BOLD as I pursued my goals and dreams ??✨✨✨✨ There is no reward in playing small my friends! Seek courage, lean into your greatness, pursue wisdom, and be bold towards what sets your soul on fire! ???? ((tag someone who might like to read this ❤️))
#lynnsartjournal #handlettering
#befearless #bebold
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Posted in Millionaire Mindset by Lynn Hagedorn.

Are you like most people and are lamenting the passing of the last official weekend of summer?? Or are you one of the fortunate few who are actually looking forward to the next season in your life? Sadly, the tomorrow’s of life will be here before we know it! So, if you’re not looking forward to tomorrow, then change what you’re doing today and go to work to create ? your masterpiece of a life ✨! If you agree, comment below how this speaks ? to you.
#lynnsartjournal #handlettering #createyourfuture
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Posted in Millionaire Mindset by Lynn Hagedorn.
The iconic Eiffel Tower is one of the most beloved structures in the world. Having surpassed its 250 millionth visitor in 2010, it stands today as the most visited paid monument on the planet! Yet it might surprise some of you to learn that in the beginning the tower had its fair share of naysayers. In fact, it was erected against considerable criticism from those who thought it wasn’t possible to construct such a tower (nothing like it had ever been built), and those who also felt even if it could be built, it would not fit into the artistry of the city…
In 1887 those critics sent a petition to oppose the construction, which read in part: “We, writers, painters, sculptors, architects and passionate devotees of the hitherto untouched beauty of Paris, protest with all our strength, with all our indignation in the name of slighted French taste, against the erection…of this useless and monstrous Eiffel Tower…”
Hmmm, does that sound familiar? Does it remind you of some of the feedback you received when you first shared your excitement with others as you began to build your own Network Marketing “Tower”? It’s funny, but for as long as we can remember, those naysayers seemed just as committed to their opinions as they pleaded with us not to sign up, attempted to convince us these things didn’t work, while they repeatedly reminded us we’d somehow lost our minds!
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Posted in Millionaire Mindset by Lynn Hagedorn.
Do you want 2015 to look better than 2014? Do you want more of what was great in 2014 to find its way into 2015? If your answer was yes, then we need to change personally to see a change in our life. It’s easy to fall back into old ways that don’t serve us—that’s what’s comfortable; unfortunately comfortable doesn’t pay. In fact, choosing to linger in what’s comfortable can cost us what we truly want in life. Also realize that it’s all about PROGRESS not perfection. Procrastination is one of the biggest success killers of all time. Don’t let that be you…you have to start to START!
Watch the video as I share some simple disciplines that have served me well over the years in Network marketing and created my 7-FIGURE HABITS.
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Posted in Millionaire Mindset by Lynn Hagedorn.
Tags: Lynn Hagedorn, millionaire mindset, MLM, Network Marketing
Way too many people in Network Marketing are still saying, “No one has any money!” or “No one is interested in buying!” or “No one can afford it!” But before you decide if those statements are right or wrong, watch this video and then decide if those commonly held beliefs are as true as often as we think.
For example, while I was walking around a well-known and very crowded shopping mall the other day, I noticed literally thousands of people—many with shopping bags in their hands. So if the people all around me are buying other things, why are so many of us still hearing the price objection over, and over, and over again?
Could it be because all those people simply didn’t see the value or benefit for themselves?
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Posted in Overcoming Objections, Prospecting, Connecting & the Art of Asking Questions by Catie.
Tags: connecting, Lynn Hagedorn, MLM, Network Marketing, prospecting