🌸Your mind is the garden, your thoughts are the seeds, the harvest can either be flowers or weeds…

🌸Your mind is the garden, your thoughts are the seeds, the harvest can either be flowers or weeds…
It’s so true. Once I understood this, I’ve been very cautious and protective of what I allow in my mind.
🌸Is it positive?
🌸Is it upbuilding?
🌸Will it move me forward?
🌸Will it bring me closer to my goal?
🌸Will or increase my energy or decrease it?
🌸Does it lead me to love more?
You get the idea. If you’ve ever had a garden, then you know how quickly weeds can grow. The same is true for negative thoughts—they tend to multiple and take over and often times attract other people with negative thoughts 😫. They can take over if we don’t “weed our garden” every day.
🌸I’m going for the flower harvest of positivity 🙌🏼, how about you? 😀


Posted in Millionaire Mindset on November 21, 2017 by Lynn Hagedorn.

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